Personal Growth + Development: The Secrets To Becoming A Better You

Kadron Bullington
2 min readSep 9, 2020

Hello World,

While I am new to this blogging/writing page world, I am not new when it comes to being an explorer of possibilities. Over the past 12 years or so I have been to many places, tried a wide variety of things, and worked many jobs! Now I am beginning a new adventure in the area of helping others find their way down this winding path we call life.

Since the age I was able to work, I have had a variety of jobs. Which all dealt with helping others in one way or other.

I spent many years caring for my grandparents…I guess I always felt the pull to help others in need from a young age.... This led me to the medical field, where I have worked as a licensed Advanced Emergency Medical Technician for the past 11 years. While doing this I continued my college education…got a Bachelors of Science Degree in Psychology..haven’t done much with that..until I got another job, while still working on the ambulance, working in a crisis stabilization unit…That was an interesting job to say the least..but I met some amazing individuals, and worked with some awesome people. The ones I worked with here have become some awesome friends to this day!

But I wanted more from myself, my family, and others…so I went back to school, getting a Masters in Clinical Psychology..sheww that was rough..but I learned so much!

This led me to thinking, hey maybe I should become a cop…knowing now, what I didn’t know then..might have changed my mind..but I believe I have learned so much since accepting this path. It isn’t easy, but necessary….Believe me when I say, not every cop is the my time I have seen a wide variety…and honestly where I am from, you don’t make a lot of money, and for women, it is even harder to be in this line of work.

With that being said, it has led me to another adventure…this! Finding a way to be successful, level headed, and to love yourself, in such uncertain times..we must always be willing to grow and learn, because tomorrow in unknown, so we must take care of ourselves today! This path has led me to the journey of helping others, so they don’t have to suffer and learn the hard way.

So, if you would like to talk, share a story,or ask me a question, feel free to email me or connect by visiting my page @

Talk to you soon,

P.S. Check out my other blogs at



Kadron Bullington

Personal Growth, learning, strength coach for anyone needing help developing mindset, being more confident, dealing with daily stressors, and being healthier!